Eric Smith


Eric Smith



ensmith (at) stanford (dot) edu

Home Page:

Office Location:

Jordan Hall, Room 392
450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

Primary Areas of Focus:

  • Social psychological interventions
  • Mentorship & Perceptions of instructors
  • Self & Identity
  • Motivation & Emotion
  • Self-Regulation

Research Summary:

I am interested in how people respond to challenge, uncertainty, and failure, particularly in an academic setting. After receiving my bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University in Psychology and Biology, I developed educational interventions at PERTS with Drs. Dave Paunesku and Carissa Romero, and managed an emotion regulation intervention under the direction of Dr. James Gross. I currently work with Drs. Greg Walton, Carol Dweck, Alia Crum, and Geoff Cohen. I am passionate about promoting ethical research practices and responsible applications of psychological insights.


Ph.D. Student at Stanford University

B.S. in Psychology & Biology, 2012, Northwestern University